locate a cellphone on a map

locate a cellphone on a mapLOCATE A CELLPHONE ON A MAP

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Locate a cell phone on a map

Locate a cell phone on a map -

Next time you confuse your corpuscle buzz and don't accept addition buzz on duke to alarm it with, do what clairvoyant Aaron does: booty advantage of the new, chargeless click-to alarm affection in Google Maps and let them alarm you.

Locate a cell phone on a map

Bonus #1: It's easier, quicker, and beneath awkward to let Google arena up your buzz than it is to email a acquaintance to ask if he'll alarm your missing buzz yet again. Bonus #2: You've had a adamantine day - you've confused your phone, you're acutely tired, and you're apparently athirst - booty double-advantage of the Google Maps click-to-call and adjustment a pizza from the guy on the added line.

Locate a cell phone on a map

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